
Dear visitors,

Thank you for visiting us.
For us, setting up this blog has been an enriching experience. As a team of Michelin employees who were among the first hired for the company’s industrial project in Chennai, India, we were aware of the importance of sustainable development, but wondered what sustainability meant.

We quickly realised that for India, achieving a sustainable development included our direct contribution and that we (as individuals and employees of Michelin) could be the cause as well as the solution to sustainability for the project as well as the communities around us.

And what is the definition of sustainability? The one we have found most useful is the following. From the 1987 Report of the United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development: “Sustainable development is about meeting the needs of society while living within the planet’s ecological limits and without jeopardizing the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Sustainable development has three dimensions – economic, social and environmental – which are interdependent; for instance, the elimination of poverty requires the promotion of social justice and economic development and the protection of the environment”.

This definition has been included in the International Standard on Social Responsibility ISO 26000 (ISO definition)to highlight the relationship between social responsibility and sustainable development

So this blog, is one way for sharing with you the stretches of adventure and spans of rich experiences this expedition is certain to grow into. We hope you find this useful and interesting and invite you to also use this “eco-friendly” medium to think constructively, act consciously, seek openly and contribute significantly.

A journey that has commenced needs to find its destination. But our predicament, at this moment, is to define the endpoint that is ever evolving. Of one thing we are confident though, that there is a long way to go and this is just the Beginning! With this spirit of enthusiasm, we invite you to join our ‘Sustainability’ mission. We are always open to your ideas and inputs, so please email us at michelinindiaforum@gmail.com


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