Monday 13 August 2012

World’s first action oriented renewable energy meet

Green energies and sustainable development are bustling growth industries in India. However, as with any quickly developing economic sector, keeping track of the major actors, upcoming startups and thriving wellsprings of tomorrow’s breakthrough ideas can be hard. Thankfully, there are landmark events such as the Reaction meeting which recently took place at the Chennai Trade Centre.

The event took place on July 26th and 27th and is already hailed by many as one of this year’s highpoint for renewable energies. Reaction 2012 has been organized by Energy Alternatives India (EAI) whose knowledge of the Indian renewable energy industry and expertise in clean technology is widely acknowledged. Self-titled “The World’s First Action Oriented Renewable Energy Meet”. The event had been conceived with a large public in mind, targeting professionals, academics, entrepreneurs, corporate actors or financial investors.

Impressively, the event was structured in a way that could prove satisfying to all those different attendees. More than a hundred experts gave presentations and held discussions on a wide range of topics, from biomass, to solar and renewable energies, as well as seminars on regulatory and incentive frameworks. To the satisfaction of many a long list of new topics and emerging ideas were covered in a professional way, bringing a high level of quality and knowledge to the discussions. The event had scheduled tightly meshed talks and presentations with networking opportunities. At a time when efficient and reliable energy production is more relevant than ever renewable energies have a definite window of opportunity to blossom. And the Reaction meeting is definitely at the center of it all.


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